Singing Guide: The Piano Guys & Craig Aven

Singing Guide: The Piano Guys & Craig Aven

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Piano Guys and Craig Aven are excellent singers and musicians. They are known for their unique blend of classical and modern music and have millions of fans around the world. Aven is a rising country singer and songwriter, while The Piano Guys are a creative team of four experienced musicians and artists, who make music videos that merge different genres of music.

To learn singing like The Piano Guys and Craig Aven, there are some specific techniques you should save in your toolkit. One of the keys to their success is their ability to mix and match different music genres to create something that is irresistible to audiences.

Learn Music Selection Strategies

The selection of musical pieces got The Piano Guys to fame, and one of their most viewed videos on YouTube, "Rockelbel's Canon," is a good example of how they combine classical and rock music in their performances. Start by familiarizing yourself with a wide variety of musical genres, including classical, pop, jazz, and rock, to enhance your music selection. When choosing a song, consider how to make it unique by incorporating elements of different genres. Sing that piece so it becomes your own and an expression of your personal style.

Begin Mixing Genres

Mixing genres is not easy. It requires understanding different types of music and analyzing the varying techniques behind each genre. To learn how to mix, start by combining songs with striking similarities in rhythm or melody, style, or structure, then advance to more complex combinations. In "Beethoven's 5 Secrets," The Piano Guys incorporated modern music into a classical piece to create a fresh and modern version that invigorated a whole new generation of music lovers.

Additional Techniques

One of the more unusual techniques that The Piano Guys use is the cello, which is not typically seen in mixed-genre music. They incorporate it into their performances by playing it in new ways, producing unique sounds that enhance the music's depth. The Piano Guys and Craig Aven also have clear, crisp vocals and powerful harmonies, so practicing a wide range of vocal techniques, such as growling, twang, chest voice, mixed voice, and vibrato, is crucial for getting closer to their sound.

Practical Advice from Singing Carrots

Visit for a wealth of resources to help you learn how to mix genres and enhance your singing. Our Vocal Range Test will help you determine your range of voice. You can then search our Songbook for songs that suit your vocal range, difficulty level, and musical preference. Once you've selected a song, use the Pitch Accuracy Test to refine your pitch accuracy. You may also use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual note graph, allowing you to monitor your voice's progress.

The Singing Carrots Pitch Training Game is a full-fledged program designed to help learners improve their pitch accuracy, agility, and range. The course, consisting of 21 carefully structured lessons, educates learners on singing theory and provides practical tips to achieve faster progress.

Singing isn't just about the voice, but about the entire body. Learn about breathing techniques, posture correction, and emotional control to improve your performances. Good posture, diaphragmatic breathing, and opening up your mouth and throat while singing will assist you in producing a much fuller, natural sound.

Finally, don't forget about vocal health; it's crucial to maintain healthy habits and prevent damage. Visit our blog and review tips for performing on stage, overcoming stage fright, articulation, and resonance in singing, among other topics to help you accomplish your best performances.

By incorporating these strategies into your musical pursuits and making use of the helpful resources on Singing Carrots, you'll be able to learn singing like The Piano Guys and Craig Aven, improving your voice, technique, style, and musical preferences.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.